Stitching has been no exception. I get 5 minutes here, 15 minutes there, maybe an hour if I'm lucky. I think I spend more time getting things out and putting them away than I actually do putting needle to fabric. But that's okay. I know it won't always be like this and I keep reminding myself to enjoy it while it lasts. Both of my kiddies are so amazing!
I have been able to keep up with everyone else's blogs, though. The laptop is my companion during the many long nursing sessions day and night. And I can comment with one free hand. There are so many amazing projects going on out there in Stitching BlogLand and I am impressed with how fast so many of you are! I'm a slow stitcher when I have all the time in the world on my hands, so throw in a 1-month-old and I move at a pace of a few stitches a day ;)
It should come as no surprise to me or anyone else then that this little bitty project - LHN's Peace Thread Pack - took me an epic 8 days to complete!

Thread: Crescent Colors
Fabric: 32 ct Country French Latte
Stitched:3/12/09 - 3/20/09
I also went to my LNS Wednesday to look for a little something. I came home with LHN's "The Old West" chart. I'm going to start this soon and give it to my mom for her birthday in October (that's how slow I am...). My mom lives in Tucson - that's where Cuddle Bug was born, too - so this piece is perfect for her right down to the "Tucson" sign!

I hope you all are having beautiful spring weather!! We went to the park this weekend and Cuddle Bug went down the big slide all by himself! He's growing up too fast!
Happy Spring to everyone!