my day started in a deep dark pit of exhaustion. Then the mail man arrived and everything turned around! Why you ask? Well feast your eyes on this....

I got this from Melissa for our Friends Stitching Through the Seasons spring exchange. Are you drooling on your computer?! I don't blame's even more amazing in real life! The fabric she stitched the fob on is iridescent and absolutely stunning! And would you believe she included that gorgeous pair of gun-metal ginghers?! Would you also believe I only had one pair of embroidery scissors before this pair arrived today? These are a much needed addition to my stitching goods. Also, I highly recommend clicking on the pictures to get a closer look at her stitching on the fob. Her stitches are so perfectly even and straight.
And the goodies! Oh I don't even know where to begin! 2 springy notepads, a darling hand-stamped card, a sweet HiH chart, and no, your eyes are not deceiving you...Melissa included six skeins of Vikki Clayton silks!
Who can have a bad day when mail like that arrives?? Not me! DH was home for lunch when I got the mail and he was particularly amused by my excitement! LadyBug's reaction was my very favorite though. She gave this delivery a round of applause!! Gotta love a giggly, clapping 1 year old.
Thank you Melissa! I may not come down off this stitchers high for quite a while!!