Monday, June 16, 2008

I was RAK'ed!!

Thank you all for your kind comments wishing me well! I have determined the cause of my exhaustion and nausea, but more on that later.

The most exciting thing happened to me on Friday! I would have posted sooner but with Father's Day weekend we just didn't have any time to slow down and blog in a way that would do justice to the incredible joy and excitement this particular happening brought me! The mail-woman brought me a package! Don't you just love mail that doesn't have "account number" in the upper right corner and a return envelope so we can mail the sender our hard-earned money - I know I do! This particular package had "My Mark" as the return address which really got my mind going because I didn't remember ordering anything! I tore into it immediately and found this gorgeous thread holder inside and a letter from Monique explaining that this beautiful gift was from sweet, wonderful Michele of Just Another Stitching Blog... !! Oh Michele, I don't know what would prompt you to do something so undeserved, but I treasure it more than I can tell you! You have made me feel so special!! You are so thoughtful and generous and I am moved by such a beautiful gesture! Hugs to you!

Isn't it beautiful?! DH was thoroughly impressed when I showed it to him :)

And while we're on the topic of happy, wonderful, very exciting things like my new thread holder...

I have an explanation for my constant drowsiness and the nausea that's been plaguing me on and off just about every day for the past few weeks. I'm pregnant! How crazy is that?!

Thank you again for all my kind visitors and for all your sweet well wishes. And thank you again, Michele for your incredible Random Act of Kindness that still has me walking on air :)


Katrina said...

Huge congrats on the new baby :-).

Love the gift too!

BeckySC said...

Aww, congratulations on your news :) I wish you all the best throughout your pregnancy :)

Lovely RAK :)

DaisyGirl said...

I'm so excited for you! I hope the upset tummy issue will quickly be over for you! Nice RAK!
Have a great day!

Tanya said...

I had a feeling you were preggers when you were saying how tuckered you were so much of the time. Hope you are doing well and I'm so happy for you :)

Love those thread holders of Monique's - she is a creative soul!


Linen Stitcher said...

Kim, Congrats on your pregnancy!! You may still be tired, but at least you'll know why.

Cute, cute thread holder. What a sweet RAK from Michele!

Melissa said...

WOWOW!!!!! Congrats Kim! I'm so excited for you and your family. I'm sending prayers for a happy and healthy pregnancy your way.

Anonymous said...

Amazing news, Kim!! Congratulations!!! Take good care of yourself.
And what a very sweet gift from Michele!! Enjoy!

Kendra said...

Congrats on the baby news! How exciting! And at least you know why you've been feeling so lousy lately!

mainely stitching said...

Yippee - congratulations! :D Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy.

Sally said...

Congratulations Kim!! That is wonderful news:)

What a wonderful gift from Michele. She is such a sweetie:)

Aussie Stitcher said...

Fantastic news Kim, congratulations to you and your DH. Love the thread holder.

Jenn said...

Congratulations Kim!

Suzanne said...


Paisley said...

Congratulations Kim! That is exciting news!

Jacque said...

I had a feeling that a new addition was the reason for the nausea and tiredness. I'm so so so excited for you and can only imagine how much fun you're going to have with two cuddlebugs! : )

Terry said...

Congrats on the future addition to the family!!!

Anonymous said...


Glad to see your RAK arrived-- how sweet was Michele to set that up?! BTW, you *must* email me... if you can come up to St. Charles, we can hang :)

staci said...

CONGRATS, that is so wonderful!!! And a very lovely RAK too ;)

Kathy said...

Congrats on your news!! CB is now going to have a new playmate. Fun! Fun!

Nice RAK.

Dawn T. said...

Congrats!!!! I am so excited for you! How far along are you?

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Michele is a sweet, kind, generous person! What a lovely RAK!
AND congrats on the baby! What a wonderful surprise!!!

Carol R said...

I just read your good news on Donna's blog - congratulations to you and DH.

Great gift from Michele

Anonymous said...

congratulations to you and your DH! take care of yourself and hope you feel less tired as the pregnancy grows. Lovely rak gift from Michelle, love that thread holder, I'm sure you deserve it.
Thank you for visiting my blog and thanks to you and your DH for praying for Chloe, I'm sure all these positive vibes will help her.
I really appreciate it :)

Sharon said...

Congratulations on the new baby! Your RAK is great-I love those threadholders.

Mel in Dubai said...

Lovely thread holder - very kind of Michele - and congratulations on the pregnancy!

Michele said...

congratulations Kim! I'm sooo excited for you and the new baby :)

I'm soo glad you liked the RAK :) it was fun to do for you.

Jennifer said...

WOO HOO!!! Congratulations to you! And best wishes for a happy, healthy and completely uneventful pregnancy. :-)

Janet said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! I take a couple of weeks off from reading blogs and I miss this!! Congratulations, I am very happy and excited for you and your family!! Best wishes.