First of all, thank you everyone for your kind comments about the dress and support of my desire to head back to school! I appreciate each and every one of you!!!
It's been too long... Since what you ask?
Well it's been too long since I've posted an update to this here blog. That's one. And it's been too long since I've put needle to linen (almost a week now). That's two. And it's been too long since I've seen the inside of a Cheesecake Factory. That's three.
So I'm on a mission to fix these things in the near future.
Problem one - well I'm taking care of that one right now.
I don't have much to write about. I've spent a little more time behind the sewing machine since my last post. Cuddle Bug got a chef's hat. Now I can stop being reminded how Santa forgot to bring him the chef's hat he requested for Christmas. And this one is made of Disney Cars fabric! Beat that you little elves!!! And Ladybug just got a new summer dress. This time I managed to get the little diaper cover worked out as well :) I'm improving!
I've also been dabbling in the paper crafting world! I'm a huge admirer of the work Steph does over at
Where'd All My Money Go?!. And she's peaked my interest in paper crafting! I'm all signed up for a "Scrapbooking Basics" class at a nearby scrapbooking store next week. I'm excited!
I made it out to a great LNS in historic St Charles, MO with a friend. I got some specialty fibers I needed to start my current project. They carry Belle Soie and for a moment I considered picking up a skein to quell my curiosity. But I exercised self control and just got what was on my list. I'm a bad stasher... Too much self control for my own good! Someday very soon I want to give silks a try!
That was two weeks ago tomorrow we made that trip, and that afternoon I started my current project - my first BBD. And I love it! It's been a joy so far when I have the time. That brings us to problem number two. I haven't touched this project in almost a week! I have to admit I've hardly made a dent in it and I haven't had a moment to get a good photograph of it when the sun is up. When the sun is up, my bugs are up. And that leaves very little time for taking pics of my projects. Oh well. I promise a picture this weekend! So bare with me! I may become a BBD junkie! This one is going to get some much-needed attention tomorrow...I hope...
And that leaves problem three. Something tells me this one is going to remain a problem for a while longer. I will just have to settle for some Sarah Lee cheesecake from the freezer section of my local grocer. And I admit, as humble as that sounds I may almost perfer it that way. That I can eat in my pajamas as I work on that afformentioned WIP. You can't say that about the Cheesecake Factory ;)
Okay, since I have no picture of my own adventures, I leave you with this little beauty I have been drooling over today:

Feast your eye on that!
And for anyone interested in a crafty giveaway I came across this one in my scrapbook blog hopping and you've got to check it out (not stitching related, but good fun for the craft enthusiast!):
Paper Craft Pleasures is giving away a Bind-It-All binder machine and accessories! This is generally a paper crafting tool, but stitchers could use it to bind your very own journals complete with stitched cover! You know you want one ;)
That's it for me today. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!