Here is a picture of the little pillow ornament I made. The colors in this picture aren't exactly right but close enough. We live in an old home and the windows don't let in a ton of light to get good pictures. But you get the idea. I am so proud of this little project! I was going to tuck the ends of the cording inside the pillow as I stitched it up, but I like the little knots and decided to attach them on the outside. I love how it turned out!

I was tagged by
Teri last week. So now you get to learn 7 random things about me whether or not you really want to know!
The Rules:
1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post THE RULES on your blog.
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 people and link to them.
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
The Facts:
1. I love to take walks. When the weather is nice, DH and I go out just about every night for a leisurely stroll with Cuddle Bug. And, weather permitting, I go out in the mornings during the week for a brisk walk with Cuddle Bug in the stroller.
2. My favorite cross-stitching companion is named Molly. She's my blue iPod nano. I don't know why I named her that, it just seemed fitting when I met her. She goes on my walks with me too using the Nike + system that measures how far I've gone and how long I've walked. We're very close.
3. I met my husband in college when we were both "R.A.s" (Resident Assistants) in a dorm on campus. He had the co-ed wing and I had the all-girls wing on the same floor. We were instant friends and I knew within a few weeks that I would marry him - although it took him a little longer to realize the same thing and finally ask me out :)
4. I'm a transplant to the midwest from the desert southwest. This has been my first "real winter." We don't have snow shovels and ice scrapers where I come from!
5. A week from tomorrow I will be received into the Catholic Church as a convert from protestantism. It's been a wonderful journey in faith since last September when I began learning more about the church and it's teachings. I had a lot of misconceptions and misunderstandings about the teachings of the Catholic Church that have been explained and cleared away and I am so excited to be able to call myself a Catholic next Saturday.
6. Up until I was 16 I had no cousins. I only have 1 now. My husband has over 50 on his mother's side alone.
7. I knew I would marry my husband after knowing him for about 2 weeks. After dating for 3 months we were engaged. We were married a year after becoming engaged. And today is the anniversary of our wedding.
I'm a new blogger and don't know many of you. But it sure looks like most of you have already been tagged! So rather than go around re-tagging everyone, I open this as an invitation to anyone who reads this who has not been tagged and would like to play along - Tag, you're it!