But I digress. So my stitching is slow and my stitching time is limited these days. But I have made some progress. So here's how it's going:
Sally asked about the design and Vonna guessed it was LHN or CCN (good eye Vonna!). Well I have to lay it out there. I don't have a chart for any needle rolls right now and while I did find a few online that I considered, I ultimately wasn't satisfied with any of them. So during a shower (I often do my thinking in the shower - anyone else find shower time to be good contemplative time?) I was giving my needle roll some thought. I know that there are several designers who have designs specifically for needle roll finishing. And I was wishing LHN or CCN did because I so love their designs. Realizing that most needle roll designs use bands, I decided to see if I could put something together on my own based on bits and pieces of different LHN charts I have. So that's what I did. I printed a piece of graph paper and I took little parts of LHN designs - charts that I own - and arranged them in bands for a needle roll. I'm not really sure if this is appropriate to be honest. Do I have any right to go taking parts of several designs to make a new design?? DH said to go for it. And I figure I do own the charts, and it's not like I'm going to be posting the chart I made out of them or anything. And I always intended to mention that it is comprised entirely of LHN designs. But what do you all think? Was this a bad idea? Is it bad stitching form? I'm new to this, so if it is I'm really sorry. Live and learn.
Thank you all for reading this far and thank you for your comments. I am sorry in advance if my needle roll hodge-podge is offensive to anyone.
Looking good. Nice job.
I don't think there is a problem with you doing what you did. You have the patterns and you are not trying to pass it off as your own design. You admit that you pulled it from motifs from patterns that you own. IMHO you are fine.
Your blog was recommended to me in my Google Reader, so I thought I'd check it out! :-)
As for your almost-2-year-old...hopefully he's getting it out of his system now and will be a nice little boy when he's 4-5...instead of being a very good 2- year-old and being a total pill from 3½ to the present, like my 5-year-old is. I swear, she's more like a teenager than a kid sometimes...she's got the eye-rolling and huffing and puffing down pat. Joy.
As for your design, I think you're fine. I do that kind of thing all the time...actually, most stitchers I know online do the same thing too, esepcially for Round Robins and exchanges. As long as you're not trying to pass it off as your own, or trying to make money from it, mixing and matching designs is OK.
I agree with Kendra... not passing it of as your own design and not trying to make money of it... other than that I think it's a brilliant and creative idea!!! I'm eagerly watching your progress piccies, I've never done a needleroll myself and I love LHN and CCN... Good luck, you're on a roll...LOL!
Beautiful progress on the needleroll. I like what you have put together. Hang in there - they are eventually in their 30's and quite nice to have around - as are my two sons!11
Your needleroll is looking good. :) Nothing wrong with making a project more personal!
I think you're doing a great job on the needleroll - it's gorgeous!
And there's absolutely nothing wrong with taking bits and pieces of designs and putting them together to make your own. You've spent the money on the charts so how you stitch them is up to you :)
Your needleroll is awesome and I do some of my best thinking in the shower ;)
I LOVE your needleroll Kim! I think you've done a fantastic job and as others have said there is no problem in taking bits from charts as long as you don't pass them off as your own, which you haven't:)
Your needleroll is looking fantastic...very cute motifs you've used.
And I agree with everyone else, you can stitch charts anyway you want as long as you aren't passing them off as your own or selling them :)
Good luck with the terrible two's, although with my kiddos two's were nothing...it was the three's!!!
Not sure why you couldn't pull bands from your current patterns. You bought them, you paid for them, they are yours. Your outcome will become unique :)
Enjoy the stitching!
IMO, Terrible Two's can be a challenge. For me, I had one that claimed everything -- and the selfish behaviour was difficult for me to deal with. I finally caved in & admitted it was HIS and then taught him how to share. It stopped the battle of wills & eventually, he got the gist of it. Hang in there.
Yeah, everyone is right about the charts, I do it all the time, especially on my round robins. I use bits and pieces of designs all the time! Looks great though!
So glad the t-2's is past us now, but hey the teen years are tough! I can't believe my oldest is 18. Boohoo! I do miss the little years :(
The stitching for your needle roll is looking great Kim.
You are so creative Kim - it's still hard to believe you are so new at this. I'm glad you asked the question about combining motifs. Sounds like it's no problem at all, which is good to know. I'll be thinking of you while I'm trying my first hemstitching - maybe we can encourage each other along.
It's looking just great, Kim :)
Yeah, why is it that everyone wants to bombard us with horror stories about pregnancy, labour and newborns but no-one ever warns us about toddlers/preschoolers? Brace yourself for the 3's!! (But know that we're all going through it together and will come out smiling eventually!).
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